Carlos Williams requested a Flash comics chronology. Personally, I'm not a big fan of reading a comic about someone who runs fast. The character is much better suited for TV, and the CW is doing an incredible job with the current Flash TV show, and it's spin-off, "Legends Of Tomorrow". "Arrow" sucks, though. The first season was all speedsters all the time. We hardly got any time with any villains who moved at normal speed. Well, Geoff Johns (who wrote every episode of this season) fixes that by bringing back the classic Flash rogues and having their interactions with Wally West and the universe be gloriously complicated and fun. Yes, there are dire consequences from time to time, but this season is bright, weird, and moves really quickly toward the season's bizarre conclusion. Come on, rogue, let your morals go with the flow, you know you can do it art by Brian Bolland Season 2: Keystone Cop (showrunner: Geoff Johns) Serial 1: The Flash By Geoff Johns Book One
written by Geoff Johns, art by Scott Kolins, Ethan Van Sciver, and Angel Unzueta Season two finds Wally in media res, traveling through various alternate Earths. He loses touch with the speed force and ends up teaming up, against his will, with several classic Rogues such as Captain Cold and Mirror Master. It's a weird but fun romp that changes when he meets an alternate version of his dead ex, and decides to hang out there for a while. It's fairly silly at times but seeing non-running villains is a nice change of, sorry, pace. Wonderland. 2 episodes Blood Will Run. 1 episode Iron Heights. 1 episode Serial 2: The Flash By Geoff Johns Book Two written by Geoff Johns, art by Angel Unzueta and Doug Hazlewood Wally West, protector of Keystone City and Central City has a vast amount of villains, and many of them are working in concert to keep The Flash occupied. The costumes on both the villains and the helpful heroes (Superman and Cyborg each show up to help Wally out) are pretty post-90s extreme and very brightly colored, which is fitting with the over-the top madcapness of this particular chapter in Wally's tenure as The Flash. New Rogues. 3 episodes Serial 3: The Flash By Geoff Johns Book Three written by Geoff Johns, art by Scott Kolins and Doug Hazlewood Rogues antagonizing rogues helping rogues antagonizing Flash. The relationships between the characters from this season of Flash get really fascinating as more and more characters get folded into the end of Johns's run on The Flash. In the end, we do end up with an evil speedster takes on Flash and other speedster heroes, but it's not as relentless as the first season. The Brave & The Beaten. 1 episode Run Riot. 1 episode Gorilla Warfare. 1 episode Zoom. 2 episodes Serial 4: Infinite Crisis written by Geoff Johns, art by Phil Jimenez, George Pérez, Ivan Reis, and Jerry Ordway I don't enjoy DC's Crisis books, and this is no exception. There are too many characters, too many plot points, too man mcguffins, and too many far reaching consequences. But this is Geoff Johns's reset of the DC universe, so, of course all of the Flash characters are involved. And, amongst the carnage something pretty severe happens to Wally West. Infinite Crisis. 3 episodes Season 2 is fifteen episodes in Wally World where no one punches out a moose.
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