I was never much into The Green Lantern, but I started working in comic book stores right before Geoff Johns brought Hal Jordan back to prominence as a major character in the DC Universe. There are about five seasons worth of stories that I’ve read that fit pretty neatly into the continuity that Johns mined from, and then created himself. This is pretty much the easiest season to put together. Just read anything that says Blackest Night on the cover, and you’re good. There is already enough post-Blackest Night material to create a sixth and possibly seventh season, but they’re kind of a letdown after this massive event, so I’m just going to call it quits at the end of this season. Darkest days, indeed. art by Ethan Van Sciver Season 5: Blackest Night (showrunner: Geoff Johns) Episode 1: Blackest Night Tales Of The Corps
(written by Geoff Johns, Peter J Tomasi, and Sterling Gates, art by Jerry Ordway, Rags Morales, Dough Mahnke, and more) How did The Red Lanterns form? What caused the Orange Lantern to even exist? How did The Star Sapphire become The Star Sapphire? There are a lot of origins to get us ready for the main event. Plus, there’s an Indigo Tribe? Not So Secret Origins. 1 episode Serial 1: Blackest Night Rise Of The Black Lanterns (written by Geoff Johns, Peter J Tomasi, Tony Bedard, Dan Didio, JT Krul, Dennis O’Neil, Greg Rucka, James Robinson, and Eric Wallace, art by an obscene amount of artists) During The Blackest Night era, many of the popular DC titles that had been cancelled in the last decade were resurrected for one more issue, if possible, by the original creative team. Learn the fears of a ton of DC heroes as the dead come back to life. Rise Of The Black Lanterns. 2 episodes Serial 2: Blackest Night Black Lantern Corps Volumes 1 & 2 (written by many, art by many) Batman, Superman, The Titans, The Flash, JSA, and Wonder Woman all have to deal with dead friends and enemies coming back to life and trying to destroy them. They’re going to have to fight the good fight and then track down those pesky lanterns to get to the bottom of this. Black Lantern Corps. 3 episodes Serial 3: Blackest Night, Blackest Night Green Lantern, Blackest Night Green Lantern Corps (written by Geoff Johns and Peter J Tomasi, art by Ivan Reis, Doug Mahnke and Patrick Gleason) This is the section where you really want to put each book down after a chapter, pick up another book, read a chapter, put it down, pick up the third book, read a chapter, etc. Featuring favorite DC characters both alive and dead. Read about who is behind this new Black Lantern Corps, and how the Green Lanterns intend to bring him down with the help of the other corps. Blackest Night 6 episodes Episode 13: Superman The Black Ring Books 1 & 2 (written by Paul Cornell, art by Pete Woods) Having briefly held The Orange Ring during Blackest Night, Lex Luthor will do anything to get his hands on another power ring. Even his creepy android Lois Lane thinks he might be going too far. There are a bunch of cool cameos by DC heroes and villains, including Death from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman! Power. 1 episode Serial 4: Brightest Day Volumes 1-3, Green Lantern Brightest Day (written by Geoff Johns and Peter Tomasi, art by many) Twelve DC heroes came back to life after the events of Blackest Night. Why? And what is The White Lantern all about? Plus, one member from each lantern corps assemble as a team to sort out one last mystery. Brightest Day. 2 episodes Season 5. 15 episodes
January 2025