I was never much into The Green Lantern, but I started working in comic book stores right before Geoff Johns brought Hal Jordan back to prominence as a major character in the DC Universe. There are about five seasons worth of stories that I’ve read that fit pretty neatly into the continuity that Johns mined from, and then created himself. This season starts of with the second coolest event in the chronology and then builds up to the start of the final season. There are so many new corps and characters in this season, you’d imagine it would be difficult to follow, but Johns and Tomasi put together a powerful storyline designed to not only reform the foundation of the Lantern mythos, but the entire DC Universe as well. The Skittle Corps pose together before deciding whether or not to fight to the death. Art by Ivan Reis Season 4: Ring Quest (showrunners Geoff Johns and Peter J Tomasi) Serial 1: Green Lantern The Sinestro Corps War Books 1 & 2, Green Lantern Corps Tales Of The Sinestro Corps
(written by Geoff Johns, Dave Gibbons, Peter J Tomasi, Ron Marz, Alan Burnett, and Sterling Gates, art by Ivan Reis, Patrick Gleason, Ethan Van Sciver, Dave Gibbons, and more) Hal Jordan’s greatest opponent, Sinestro is back and he’s harnessed the power of the yellow ring and used it to start his own corps. Now he seeks the power of Ion and the complete destruction of all things wearing green rings. Did I say Ion? I might have meant Parallax. Hank Henshaw seems to fit into this, somehow, too, and the Justice League has been called in to take care of him. The Sinestro Corps War. 4 episodes Serial 2: Green Lantern Corps Ring Quest (written by Peter J Tomasi, art by Patrick Gleason) With the Sinestro War behind them, Kyle, Guy, Jon and the rest of the corps to relax on Earth drinking Midori based drinks. Nahhh. Mongul is back and he has several of the yellow rings that were unable to find hosts after the war. Clearly, the Green Lanterns need some more recruits. And It Was All Yellow. 2 episodes Episode 5: Booster Gold 52 Pickup (written by Geoff Johns, art by Jeff Katz and Dan Jurgens) The most annoying superhero from the future must save the timeline from utter destruction, which seems to have something to do with a certain purple bodied former Green Lantern. Booster. 1 episode Serial 3: Green Lantern Rage Of The Red Lanterns (written by Geoff Johns, art by Ivan Reis and Shane Davis) Red Lanterns? Alpha Lanterns? Blue Lanterns? Angry, projectile vomiting villains and peaceful mystic sages join in the fray for control of the universe, as the spectrum of lanterns grows wider and wider in anticipation of the prophesied Blackest Night Rage Of The Red Lanterns. 2 episodes Serial 4: Green Lantern Corps Sins Of The Star Sapphire (written by Peter Tomasi, art by Patrick Gleason and Luke Ross) Will couldn’t completely overcome fear, so now a race called the Zamoans, led by The Star Sapphire are going to try and conquer fear by infusing it with love, an emotion abandoned by the guardians well before they even thought of creating the Green Lantern corps. Sins Of The Star Sapphire. 2 episodes Episode 12: Justice League When Worlds Collide (written by Dwayne McDuffie, art by Ed Benes) Dissatisfied with the current direction of The Justice League, Hal Jordan and his good buddy Oliver Queen break off to form their own Justice League. Featuring the characters from the defunct Milestone universe. When Worlds Collide. 1 episode Serial 6: Green Lantern Agent Orange (written by Geoff Johns, art by Phillip Tan) The most awesome character/villain introduced in the Geoff Johns era has to be Larfleeze, The Orange Lantern. Unlike all those other corps that stock their ranks with creatures who harbor a similar emotional background, The Orange Lantern is defined by avarice, so There Can Be Only One. One armed with the ghosts of many. Larfleeze is the current wielder of the ring, and he’s gonna go all Gollum if you try and take The Precious from him. Agent Orange. 2 episodes Episode 15: Green Lantern Corps Emerald Eclipse (written by Peter J Tomasi, art by Patrick Gleason) Mongul was down but not out, and now he’s looking for a new homeworld for the Sinestro Corps. But those loyal to the deposed Sinestro have some feelings about that. Plus, Ion wants to save his home planet without actually having to go to it. Tricky. Emerald Eclipse. 1 episode Season 4 is 15 episodes
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