I was never much into The Green Lantern, but I started working in comic book stores right before Geoff Johns brought Hal Jordan back to prominence as a major character in the DC Universe. There are about five seasons worth of stories that I’ve read that fit pretty neatly into the continuity that Johns mined from, and then created himself. Season 2 brings us the downfall of Hal Jordan, and introduces us to yet another Green Lantern of Earth, Kyle Rainer. Almost an entire season of Kyle as The Green Lantern? Haters gonna haaaaate. Art by Dale Eaglesham Season 2: Ion (showrunners Ron Marz and Judd Winnick) Serial 1: Emerald Twilight New Dawn, Zero Hour Crisis In Time
(written by Ron Marz, art by Darryl Banks) Hal Jordan’s hometown, Coast City, is destroyed in the wake of The Death Of Superman. Because the guardians won’t allow him to save the city where he was raised, Hal goes absolutely bonkers, destroys Oa, and kills as many Green Lanterns as he can. Once he becomes Parallax, he tries to repair Coast City as well as the timeline. Several DC superheroes step in to try and stop him. Emerald Twilight. 2 episodes Serial 2: Green Lantern Baptism Of Fire (written by Ron Marz, art by Darryl Banks, Paul Pelletier, Romeo Tanghal, and Albert de Guzman) Kyle Rainer is the new Green Lantern of Earth and has no corps or guardians to train him. So he seeks out some of The Justice League to try and teach him how to wield the green power ring. Batman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman guest star. Baptism Of Fire. 2 episodes Episode 5: Green Lantern Emerald Allies (written by Ron Marz and Chuck Dixon, art by Darryl Banks and others) It’s the next generation of Green Lantern/Green Arrow as Kyle Rainer teams up with Connor Hawke to solve some serious daddy issues. Emerald Allies. 1 episode Episode 6: Green Lantern Emerald Knights (written by Ron Marz and Chuck Dixon, art by Darryl Banks) Kyle goes into the past and brings Green Lantern Hal Jordan back to the present to battle Parallax Hal Jordan. Emerald Knights. 1 episode Episode 7: Justice League New World Order (written by Grant Morrison, art by Howard Porter and John Dell) Now that Justice League International has been stripped down to a core group of superheroes, Kyle Rainer is given a spot in the Big Seven. New World Order. 1 episode Episode 8: Green Lantern Traitor (written by Steven Grant) Another three stories across time collection. This time it’s Abin Sur, Hal Jordan, and then Kyle battling a villain called The Traitor. The Hal Jordan portion is the least compelling, but it’s nice to spend some time with Abin Sur, particularly in The American West. Traitor. 1 episode Episode 9: Green Lantern Circle Of Fire (written by Brian K Vaughan and Scott Beatty) Kyle Rainer gathers a group of fringe DC heroes to battle a villain called Oblivion. This is the only DC proper story I’ve read by Brian K Vaughan, and it’s of a higher quality than much of the Kyle Rainer stuff. Circle Of Fire. 1 episode Episode 10: Green Lantern New Journey Old Path (written by Judd Winnick) Yellow power rings? Oh, dear. A prisoner at a mental hospital is given access to a yellow power ring before escaping and wreaking havoc that captures the attention of The Justice League and Kyle Rainer. Yellow. 1 episode Episode 11: Green Lantern The Power Of Ion (written by Judd Winnick, art by Dale Eaglesham, Eric Battle, Brandon Badeaux, Jamal Igle, and Pat Quinn) Kyle loses his Green Lantern identity in a battle with Oblivion. But fear not, he’s now the Green Lantern-like hero called Ion. Ion. 1 episode Episode 12: Green Lantern Brother’s Keeper (written by Judd Winnick) This is a fairly preachy story, pretty consistent with Judd Winnick’s early work. Homophobia and bigotry are bad, yo. And Judd’s not afraid to let you know it. Repeatedly. There’s also an interesting Alan Scott story here. Brother’s Keeper. 1 episode Episode 13: Green Lantern Passing The Torch (written by Judd Winnick) The end of Winnick’s run. Ion and Jade go to the reformed Oa and meets with the reformed guardians. Jon Stewart stays behind to protect Earth. Passing The Torch. 1 episode Serial 3: Green Lantern Rebirth (written by Geoff Johns, art by Ethan Van Sciver and Prentis Rollins) That was an intensely long season of Kyle Rainer to read through but there needed to be some dramatic tension before Hal Jordan, former Green Lantern, former Paralaxx, and former Spectre, comes back to the Green Lantern Corps. Yes, Corps. The Corps is back! Jon Stewart, Kyle Rainer and the Justice League are onhand for Hal’s redemption. Rebirth. 2 episodes Season 2 is 15 episodes
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